Friday, March 6, 2009

ILP questions...

Hi all

If you didn't make it to the meet-up last night, you missed out on an excellent evening. In our February meeting at the Quaker room we talked about a focus for the group for the year, namely to explore what it means for us to _be_ Integral, individually and as a group, and to help each other be more integral, including having an Integral Life Practice, and exploring the concept of 2nd Tier for ourselves and others.

In the meeting at my place between Quaker Hall meet-ups, we were going to start going through the ILP book that was suggested as a good text to work with. Unfortunately the initial group of eight who attended the previous meeting dwindled down to just me for this meeting...

Last night there were three of us -- one new person, Tim from Sydney Integral who was in town to visit, and myself -- and we spent the evening talking about our personal practices within the four core modules of ILP, namely Body, Mind, Spirit and Shadow, sharing what it is we currently regularly do for each of these four, and thinking about what one practice we might add to each of these four areas.

So for everyone who came to the first meeting of the year all enthusiastic, and hasn't made it to either of the meetings since, here's your chance to catch up, and to reflect on what has happened.


A. What sort of practice do you do regularly do to build up or explore your
1. Body
2. Mind
3. Spirit
4. Shadow
and how regularly do you do it?

B. What is a practice that you might add to each of these four areas?

C. What is it in your Shadow Self, do you think, that has come in the way of you making it along to the last two meetings?

Next meeting is on Thursday the 19th of March at 7.30 in West End.

See you there.


PS If you'd like to pick up a copy of the ILP book before then, drop me a line or give me a call and we can work out a mutually convenient time. R

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